Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I don't need a title for my application.

I am a man that has seen the world, the whole world. I have descended into the depths of the Mariana Trench. I have climbed the Mount Everest. Traveling around the world and seeing everything takes you one year? Pfft... I can do that in one day. But when I'm not traveling around the world I perform lifesaving surgeries on Thursdays or I teach Christiano Ronaldo the right way to play soccer on Tuesdays. I have faced God and I have faced the Grim Reaper. I made them serve underneath me. The most powerful person in the universe? Yes, that would be me. People on the streets always greet me. Chuck Norris doesn't roundhouse kick me, I roundhouse kick him. Yoda doesn't teach me the force, I teach him. I don't open doors, doors open for me. I don't wear a bulletproof vest for protection, a bulletproof vest wears me for protection. I don't win awards, awards win me.  Sometimes however, I like to snowboard. On my days off, Obama asks me to save the day and civilize terrorists. Standing on roller blades, I can balance ten hockey pucks on my head and on top of that not one, but three soccer balls while i cook a hamburger in the kitchen. When people want rain, I give them rain. When people want sun, I give them sun. When people want snow, I give them snow. There is no need for a weatherman, I am the weather. There is a whole college, just for studying my life. Yet, I have not gone to college so far

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